#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = ACG Art Exhibition ## Skin ### Button Button_90A52C3F_8FC4_BFF5_41DA_DC3F5307335A.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_933703DD_8FFC_A8B5_41D5_26C75223233C.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_95F549EF_8FC4_B895_41E0_1154901F18BD.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_99ACB44F_8FDC_EF96_41AD_5A1462C4E96C.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_99B8065C_8FC5_ABBB_41BD_F103E4389489.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_A50A5688_9044_E89B_41DB_282D557C108C.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_AA1E76F6_8FDD_A876_41B1_B1DF45460933.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_AC4FA1AF_9045_E895_41D8_247C25365A28.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_AEE14358_905D_69BB_41D1_76C1DD53EDC9.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_AF91F716_8FC5_A9B7_41CE_5561575602EB.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_BEEF9EAD_8FCC_9895_41D6_B4EB7F099C2E.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_BEFA4230_8FC3_AB8B_41DD_E22E683FC274.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_C3DF186E_9043_6796_41DF_A9995BDA5E2D.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_C46D6131_8E08_55E2_41C4_0D56BDC7B746.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_CA4FEBE9_904C_989A_41D3_9F8B2C0E36F8.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_D0CB005F_905D_E7B5_41DF_8C71BF2584AE.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_D1406A75_8E08_5462_41D1_75C7B4AC7E1D.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_D703D21F_9043_ABB6_41CA_E34BE7DEED39.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_D774F9D4_8E0B_B4A2_41DD_93F6A9BCF353.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_D7905905_9043_9995_41D5_3EFC915FA2C8.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_D8C7C842_8E08_73A6_41C9_40D6F52622C2.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_DC7442D6_8E0B_D4AE_41DC_9EAC21735C94.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_DDA6F57B_8E18_BC66_41D0_CAF4E64EBFE1.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_DDCDFFA6_8E19_ACEE_41D7_FE76DF69E46C.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_DE65DE2D_8E0B_AFFD_41D8_76647188C8C0.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_DE94281D_8EF8_53A2_41B2_D4A79CD3F44D.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_E53949EB_8E18_D466_41E0_EDA47936C79F.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_E73B7E01_8E08_EFA2_41C5_163276D9B8DC.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_F06855CA_9043_689E_41B8_21E355FC7E3D.label = VIEW ARTWORK Button_F1782441_9045_EF8C_4192_77350516502A.label = VIEW ARTWORK ### Multiline Text HTMLText_90A5FC3E_8FC4_BFF7_41D7_C24CE5A6327F.html =
- Najwa Marwan -

45CM X 45CM

This is my final artwork and I wanted to show inner beauty. When we talk about inner beauty, it reminds me of natural shine and flowers. I was inspired by Philip Treacy’s butterfly hat and I wanted to highlight the light element and the flowers so I carved the canvas into flower shapes so that the light from behind could be radiate through the canvas. I put the painting into an acrylic box and covered it with black fabric to trap the lights and to emphasise the glow effect.
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- Lina Hutchinson -

170CM X 125CM

This piece combines the skill of traditional Japanese calligraphy with contemporary techniques of installation art. The piece consists of over 200 Styrofoam balls that were soaked in calligraphy ink. This piece challenges perspective as the shape of the Japanese character is only visible from a specific angle. The character ‘翼’ means ‘wings’ in Japanese, which conveys the value of balance in my personal sense of belonging.
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- Lina Hutchinson -

10CM X 12CM (Film Photography)

Heavily inspired by the works of Masaki Yamamoto and Gordon Parks, this photograph explores the togetherness of isolation. The global pandemic has affected many of our lives and pushed us to stay in our homes. Taken on 35mm film, this piece captures a moment in isolation for my family as my mother cuts my younger sister’s hair. My intention in this photograph was to reflect on how isolation from other people may also bring people closer together.
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- Isabel Ten Have -

120CM X 50CM

As the conclusion to my exhibition, I intend to express how my connection with the people I love, and those who love me, keep me tethered, comfortable, and safe. I used Dane Khy’s art of combining people and nature as reference to exemplify their harmony with each other, and as individuals in a relationship. With a soft yellow background, a line connecting all my loved ones, and calming blue butterflies to represent their trans-forming influences, I am hoping to recreate that comforting feeling.
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- Lina Hutchinson -

100CM X 75CM

This piece, titled ‘origin’ in Japanese, approaches the theme of ‘belonging’ through a biological aspect. This photograph was taken using a timer and an underwater camera in a swimming pool to reflect the imagery of a sonogram. In creating this visual connection, my intention is to capture the connection between a mother and child. The piece consists of three photographs that are arranged in panels. These panels reflect the stages of life and change over time.
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- Ghina Watiman -

73CM X 52CM

Inspired by Monet’s waterlilies series, the idea for this final piece is to create a sculpture out of clay, linked to previous artworks and the artists that have inspired me throughout, I attempted to link this to nature. The idea of creating a fish pond, developed from the aspect of ‘reflecting through nature’. Using the color green, the piece it creates a sense of peace and tranquility to the audience, reminding them to reflect upon themselves.
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- Najwa Marwan -

43CM X 30CM

For me, expressing my true self is always an issue and I wanted to change. I came up with this idea of freedom of expression and theme of persona from a psychological book called ‘Jung’s map of the soul’ by Murray B. Stein. This artwork is influenced by Egon Schiele and Cindy Sherman’s work where they use lots of bold colours. I studied the different meanings of each colours and what do they symbolise as. The colours represent the words that symbolises the person in the painting.
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- Chaeyeong Kim -

D: 200CM x 30CM

Inspired by an artist “Kendal Murray” who builds miniatures using common objects to set the stage for scenarios, I also have created a miniature scene that sends a message of how I felt about the rules and overprotection. Just like Murray, my art include objects like a glass bottle. Also, I incorporated her compositing skills to place my objects in the scene. Since I felt restricted about the rules as a young child, the glass bottle acts as both a shield that protects me and what takes my freedom.
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- Chaeyeong Kim -

28CM x 36CM

Inspired by “The Confetti Heart” by Jim Dine, I incorporated his color technique. He had a unique style of choosing and composing the colors which made his art look more fictional. The door acts as the entrance to the new life as an elementary student and since I wanted to include my culture, I used the common pattern of Korean traditional “Hanji door.” Also, within the door, I tried to include the emotions I felt before entering the new life like nervousness by emphasizing the size of the door.
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- Najwa Marwan -

20CM X 20CM

The concept of this artwork is insecurities and it is connected to my other artwork, Series of Unfortunate Events. I decided to elaborate the idea of domination of negative thoughts. The message I wanted to convey is to show how those thoughts could affect us as an individual. I chose to make 3D cubes and 2D wire art because I think the cube could represent my idea of being ‘trapped’ effectively and the 2D wire art produces shadow that represent our dark sides.
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Digital artwork (Photoshop), printed on Albatross paper. Size: 76 x 15 cm
A mural-inspired artwork intended to showcase the characteristic of an authoritarian government for being voracious in attempting to rule an area. This artwork was inspired by ‘the Matrix’ of Shinseungback & Kimyonghun. I have tried to merge the Japanese culture with the fictional characters and Javanese culture for the composition within the background of the work. The characters are made by taking pictures of myself wearing a white mask, and overlap it with the Photoshop brush tool.
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- Ghina Watiman -

41CM X 30CM

Through my art I would like to show the feeling caused by the sense of change, the unfamiliarity caused by not seeing my friends over time create this sense of panic. My art was intended to convey a series of emotions; including nostalgia, jealousy, and sadness. The deformed line art style inspired by Zoe Aguerreberry, shows how my perception towards my friends have changed, also depicting how they themselves have changed overtime.
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- Ghina Watiman -

46CM X 33,5CM

The idea for this final piece is to create an abstract, disorganized work, full of vibrant colors and different textures. I made threads into different patterns as well as including a variety of colors. The end result was tapestry-like form of art, with colorful splashes or colors all in disorganized forms, I use a lot of water with my acrylic paint which resulted in the water-color like effect. Inspired by Monet’s water lilies series, I implemented hints of nature in relation to my other works.
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- Ningrum Farmer -

Stress Bunny, 3D paper mâché structure, Size: 36cm x 44cm
The inspiration for creating this piece came from Urs Fischer's Lamp bear (2005-6) as it brings childhood nostalgia.
Stress bunny shows the relationship between children and dolls, mostly teddy bears. As I researched, I found out that
children see teddy bears as role models for comforting them. Despite the words on the structure being negative, they
portray the child’s internal thoughts as they experience feeling neglected or alone.
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- Ayumu Tsuchiya -

420MMx 594MM

The title and concept of this artwork is the Bad Dream. In this artwork, I would like to show the nightmare of me, something that I dislike and a cubist(unrealistic) thing. For example, the part smiling mouth is showing “contradiction”, the blue eye shown that “mentally” and “saddest”, upside-down in the upper right picture shows about “unhappy” and the background of Japanese characters are showing “unreasonable”. Additionally, my artwork is inspired by Japanese photographers call Yutaka Inagawa and English painter David Hockney.
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- Atha Ridho -

60CM X 60CM X 60CM

An installation piece that is intended to portray the human attitude to the agriculture animals as an inanimate object. It consist of animal-shaped origami papers with a digital projected background of the portrait of the animals in a 1 minute slideshow. The portraits are made to show the feelings that being felt by those animals. The use of origami was inspired by Charles Kaisin’s ‘Origami for Life’ while the portraits are being inspired by Ksenija Spanec’s ‘Saatchi art’.
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- Chaeyeong Kim -

30CM x 40CM

Based on the photograph I took on the way to school, this art depicts the collaboration of nature and artefact. The concept of my art is harmony. First, harmony of colors is shown from the variety of colors used for the building, inspired by “David Hockney” who uses vivid colors. The use of textures which blends and co-operates together expresses harmony. Here, the roughness of nature was created using cotton swab. Lastly, unique way that buildings are decorated with plants makes my art harmonious.
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- Winahyu Estiningtyas -

Paper folding/origami & acrylic paint
20x20x10cm (L x W x H)

I have always been interested in Greek mythology studies since I was a kid. Mythologies are stories either created or strongly influenced by oral traditions. While each culture and geographic region of the world has its own body of folk tales and fairy tales that it considers "its own," certain themes and motifs tend to be repeated across many cultures and time periods. For that reason, I wanted this piece of art to show the similarities between cultures through mythological creatures and how these cultures correspond with each other.
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- Ayumu Tsuchiya -

210MM x 297MM

The title and concept of this artwork is “Nightmare” in this artwork I would like to show some of the nightmares inside me. In this painting I only used permanent marker and water color to make it simple and clear the things what I want to show. Furthermore, in this artwork I inspired by “The persistence of memory” from Salvador Dali, because his painting style is similar to me and he also had a concept and meaning of nightmare inside his painting. Moreover, I inspired by “The persistence of memory” by Salvador Dali.
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- Winahyu Estiningtyas -

Size: 40cm X 20cm
Growing up, I have moved places a couple of times from time to time, and from that I have seen and have been influenced by so many different cultures. For that reason, I wanted to show the diversity of these culture, and how every culture has different characteristics as an identity. One of the way of portraying culture is through traditional clothing, the way people dresses can be a way of representing the person's identity because every culture has different qualities and history that is manifested in the form of clothing.
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- Ayumu Tsuchiya -

90CM x 100CM

The title and concept of this artwork is “Dawn”. This is the last final piece in IB, so I collected all of the nightmares in previous artworks. Basically, this is shown that I am going to wake up from nightmare, which is dawn and moving toward happiness. I used acrylic paint on canvas, card board for panel of myself and flowers are made by tissues. Furthermore, I inspired by Japanese painter call Shintaro Ohata.
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- Winahyu Estiningtyas -

Size: 40cm X 30cm
In this piece of art, I want to show how Jakarta, as the capital city of Indonesia, is often known as a big and busy city with a population of around 10 million people. There are a lot of beautiful buildings and skyscrapers around Jakarta, but many people tend to forget the
great inequality of wealth in Jakarta. Due to that inequality, the poor people have to live in very close proximity to each other, even often times they live in a slum along the banks of Jakarta’s polluted rivers and canals.
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There is no turning back now
- Sabrina McPhail -

It Describe the behaviour of the people nowadays showed lack of physical activities that make
individual rely on their cell phone. This to show awareness that individual should realise that it can
be harmful and encourages self-improvements and do other activities beside attached on their
phone. It created imagery of surrealism inspired by Salvador Dali of addiction of the extreme use of
cell phone.
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Edible Happiness
- Sabrina McPhail -

Food is the ultimate source of happiness, we all have memories of happier times, and by eating foods remind us of those time or symbolically consume that past happiness, eating specific food that a loved one favored can produce happy thoughts through memories association of that person, therefore by food it has unique meaning to everyone. The sweets image inspired by Wayne Thiebaud that led to be part of the artwork.
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- Sabrina McPhail -

Size: 28.1 x 35.5 cm
Represent togetherness in an unusual way. It consists of flowers surrounded by living creatures inspired by Alexander Marshal, Ambrossious BossChaert and Stephanie Mannuel. This Idea delivered being together to have a mutual connection symbolized by the flowers
and living creatures to have different interpretation that the flower is a magnet that attract the surrounding that expose the idea of being together to the viewers.
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City Dweller
- Ningrum Farmer -
Trapped, Oil Pastel & Red Plastic Board, Size: 92cm X 22cm
Reflecting back to the previous City Dweller piece, I decided to create an alternate version of it. It still has the
same mapping construction but what’s contained, within the spaces when two roads intersect, is different human
body parts. Each human body part represents an individual as this piece portrays how living in an urban city can
affect an individual’s mental well-being such as stress and being a part of the crowd.
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- Ningrum Farmer -

Yothu-Yindi, oil chalk, Size: 76cm x 66cm
It centers around the concepts of growing up and having the next generation. Despite not set in urban, I wanted
to explore different cultures so I chose the aboriginal indigenous culture. My inspiration for the aboriginal culture
came from The Secret River by Kate Grenville. To add some natural environment, I looked up aboriginal
dot facial painting and aboriginal symbols from the aboriginals’ eight ways of learning.
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- Isabel Ten Have -

10CM X 15CM

My inspiration for this piece came from looking at photographs from my childhood of me around the pool along with David Hockney’s artwork – specifically his use of bright colours and perspective in ‘Portrait of an Artist’. I wanted to recreate the serenity and nostalgia he evokes, so I depicted my younger brother in various scenes in and around the pool I grew up with. I chose to use oil pastel and make them small frames to illustrate the hazy feelings of memories when looking at photographs.
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- Isabel Ten Have -

100x20 x 54cm

After my piece about the positivity in my childhood, I started to recognise how I was now constantly bothered by thoughts and responsibilities. With this piece, I wanted to show the reality in my current life through the same activity to illustrate the contrast between those ages. I referred to Reisha Perlmutter’s paintings and their hyper-realistic depictions, hence why this is a video loop to evoke the warped reality and endlessness of these thoughts.
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- Atha Ridho -

These three sculptures are inspired by Markus Sebastiano’s ‘War & Peace’. I wanted to portray the social inequalities environment that we are living in, where issues such as sexism, racism, and social class. With this artwork, I have included collection of words and punctuations to symbolize the issue behind each work. The newspaper is meant to represent the world’s development that is normally over publicized compared to the sense of humanity or lack thereof in our society.
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- Atha Ridho -

76CM X 15CM

A mural-inspired artwork intended to showcase the characteristic of an authoritarian government for being voracious in attempting to rule an area. This artwork was inspired by ‘the Matrix’ of Shinseungback & Kimyonghun. I have tried to merge the Japanese culture with the fictional characters and Javanese culture for the composition within the background of the work. The characters are made by taking pictures of myself wearing a white mask, and overlap it with the Photoshop brush tool.
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